Monday 4 January 2016


Never compare among siblings. Never! It took me few hours to build the relationship with ara but it took few seconds of saying a sentence to broke us apart gittew. "Adik ara laaaagi comel dari ara" that made her went merajuk to beside the sofa and almost made her cry a river before atan came to the rescue 😓. Haish. N she never talked back to me. Terus rindu few minutes before where we laughed and jelir lidah to each other 😣

The pillow talk. Esp when mama (read: mama ilya) came in.

"Kalau dia serius dengan kita pastu xmain2, xajak merapu2, tu tanda dia suka betul2"

"Kalau dia ambik berat pasal kita, tu tanda dia betul2 suka"

"Terus terang. Lelaki n perempuan ni otak lain2. Esp smallest matter. Xsuka xpuas hati jangan simpan dlm hati sebab later u gonna burst out loud n tu yg boleh rosakkan hubungan"

Jumpa mak ayah ok, ciri2 kita nak tu ada, plan jadi, ok la tu. Mungkin hati kita yg xok sebab kita banyak emosi, banyak prasangka. Check ourself first before others. Hati. Iman. Istiqomah.


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